Running Events


Running is one of a few activities that can be done free of charge, so there shouldn’t be a reason not to participate right? The real price associated with running is time, and purchasing comfortable sportswear. For the avid runner this might be thirty minutes to 3 hours a day and the cost of reliable running shoes. The simplicity of running means women, men, girls, and boys all across the world participate and for a variety of reasons, like the love of running and competition or in some cases, weight control.

Competitive running is increasingly popular for newbies and veterans alike where the only obstacle to overcome is crossing the finish line. For the cost of a small entry fee, runners find satisfaction in competing against others in a race to the finish line, whether you finish first or succeed at a personal best.

The actual sport of running is free, but events and travel cost are a consideration. Endurance Sports supports those who are raising the bar in their personal and competitive lives. Competitive running is reaching a broader range of participants which includes those with higher standards of living. A majority of runners are college educated with stable, joint incomes over $75,000. Regardless of a person’s status in life though, running is for everyone and competing at a peak, personal level is the greatest reward.

While Endurance Sports encourages all ages and genders to run, statistics show women have taken over the majority of running event finishers throughout the United States. The average age for today’s competitive women’s event runner is over 35; for men it’s an average age over 40. The formerly male dominated running community is seeing a leveling of the playing field with an insurgence of women participants, although the range of female participation varies greatly from country to country. Averages from events like the Boston Marathon (2009-2014) show a 45% participation rate from women in the US but less than 12% in the two fastest countries of Spain and Portugal.